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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

The Spectacular Event of HIMKA UNAND: International Seminar on Environmental Science 2011

Posted by himka.unand | Minggu, 10 Juli 2011 | Category: |

HIMKA UNAND/PCC, Padang -Sunday/July 10th, 2011- Firstly in 45th years of HIMKA UNAND will held spectacular event, namely International Seminar on Environmental Science (ISES) 2011. This ISES 2011 will be on October 8th, 2011. According to its theme about "Environment based on Sciences Research For A Better Life", ISES 2011 is expected to become a means of communication and information exchange, particularly the progress of research and development of science to give birth to a new breakthrough in solving environmental problems to create a better environment in the future.

Alhamdulillah, This is biggest official message given to us (Himka Unand) fom IKA-HIMKI Indonesia. We expect from all part of HIMKA Unand from senior, junior, lecturer,alumni, unand and all making this event will be greatly success” said Ade Eka Putra as Chairman of Himka Unand.

From ISES 2011 committee, several keynote who expert in environmental field will parcipate in this seminar. There are Prof. Dr. Ille Gebeschuber (Austria), Prof.Dr. Kwang Phil Lee (South Korea), Prof. Dr. Hadi Nur (Malaysia), Prof. Dr. Ismunandar (Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Wan Ahmad Kamil Mahmud ( Malaysia). Prof. Ille and Prof. Ismunandar is prefixed to come and the other are still in confirmation.

There is one left keynote that we invite from our lecturer chemistry department of Unand. And for determining who lecturer become the Keynote ISES 2011, we give trust to Chemistry Department theirself decide wisely. Untill now, they still no announce yet” said the Chairman of ISES 2011, Riko Irwan.

This international seminar ISES2011 consists of three forms of activities, namely:
Planery Session: Paper Presentation Key / Key Note Speaker.
Paralel Oral Presentation Papers
Poster Presentations
There are also event included into ISES 2011’s schedule, such as MUSTA(Yearly Meeting) IKA-HIMKI Indonesia and Field Trip goes to unique West Sumatera tourism object.

For further information, please check ISES 2011 website at http://ises2011.unand.org/ or contact directly at ises2011@unand.org  

Patron Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Musliar Kasim, M.S (Rector University of Andalas) Advisor Prof. Dr. H. Emriadi, M.S (Dean of MIPA Faculty, University of Andalas), Dr. Adlis Santoni (Chairman of Chemistry Department of MIPA Faculty, University of Andalas), Ade Eka Putra (Chairman of HIMKA MIPA Faculty, University of Andalas) Steering Scientific Committes: (Lecturer Department of Chemistry of MIPA Faculty, University of Andalas) Prof. Abdi Dharma, Dr. Mai Efdi, Dr. Syukri Darajat, Dr. Zulhadjri
Organizing Committees: Chairperson: Riko Irwan Secretary: Epi Supriwardi Secretariat Section: Defina Nasmiaty, Reno Permata Sari, Wilda Liona Suri Treasurer: Nuryanti Fund Section: Ayu Kurnia D.P.S, Sestry Misfadhila Public Relation Section: Zul Arifin (Coordinator), Maharani Hazar, Yosi Febriani, Rikha Septyani Yudha Programme Section: Sisri Handayani (Coordinator), Rahmatul Hasanah, Restiyani Harahap, Lili Fitrianny Resources and Facilities Section: Firdaus M (Coordinator), Yuniar Hardiyanti, Rido Junaidi, Ferbrina Zamar, Restu Harli Febriani


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